Interested in helping keep our church safe? The Pine Terrace Baptist Church Safety Team is always looking for dedicated individuals to serve and protect our congregation. If you have a passion for safety and a heart for service, we would love to have you join the team. Follow the steps below to get started!
New Member Orientation
Security Team Rosters

Training Video

Security Team #1

Jeff Floyd

Team Leader

James Sanders

Ron Cherry

Chris Harty

Al Melvin

Assistant Team Leader

Joshua Shoemaker

Ryan Whitman

Craig Brown

Kerry Moore

Susan Allen

Harley Rowe

Rick Anderson

Walter Teichgraber

Security Team #2

Robby Waters

Team Leader

Jeff Brashear

Richard Moore

Sam Wilkins

Josh Daugett

Assistant Team Leader

Carlos Gonzalez

Rick Harris

Joel Lowery

Chris Powell

LB Moore

Ashton Carrow

Samantha Daugett


Curt Frizzell

Marcus Bozeman

Justin Rost

Security Team #3

Security Team #3 includes: Ryan Barrow, Tristan Ellison, Chris Hall, Caleb Henderson, Carey Hobbs, Perry King, Jeremy Levi, Keith Lunsford, Marvin McKillip, Kurt Ritchey, Kelly Schwarz, Scott Smith, Ryan Stokes, Frank Swick, Curt J. Timm, Brittany Whitman

Scott Smith

Team Leader

Perry King

Caleb Henderson

Marvin McPhillip

Ryan Barrow

Assistant Team Leader

Carey Hobbs

Jeremy Levi

Kurt Ritchey

Chris Hall

Brittany Whitman

Keith Lunsford

Ryan Stokes

Curt Timm, Jr.

Tristan Ellison

Tre  Swick

Kelly Schwarz

Security Team #4

Security Team #4 includes: Fred Chavers, Tim Durbin, Robbi Hardy, Christopher Hinnant, Kati Hogg, Jordan Humphrey, Mike Kapica, Will Kirchoff, Ken Morris, Katherine Owen, Mike Owen, Eric Pierce, Ben Pineda, Anthony Ralston, Barry Sirmons, Cory Smith

Cory Smith

Ben Pineda

Assistant Team Leader

Barry Sirmons

Robbi Hardy

Anthony Ralston

Ken Morris

Will Kirchoff

Tim Durbin

Michael Owen

Christopher Hinnant

Eric Pierce

Nathaniel Williams

Kati Hogg

Katherine Owen

Jordan Humphrey

Special Team

David Hogg

Dr. Cindy Collier

New Member

Sue Richards

Founder & CEO
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From the Director's Desk

We are rapidly approaching the end of 2024. It's a time for us to reflect on how Pine Terrace Baptist Church began its journey of church security. In early 2023, with the increasing violence in churches across America, the challenge was how Pine Terrace would respond and how to develop a group of dedicated volunteers to provide security and medical care for our church.

Our journey began with a study of local churches that had established security programs. We developed written guidelines and training protocols customized specifically for Pine Terrace. The next major challenge was advertising and soliciting volunteers for security and medical teams. We were uncertain about the response to our request for help, but we were overwhelmed by the congregation's support. We didn't expect the number of volunteers for the two programs. God provided committed team leaders and assistant team leaders for both security and medical. We started with approximately 48 security members and 10 medical responders who attended training in January 2024. Our inaugural first day of service was February 4, 2024, with an average of 10 security members per team. Our efforts have been blessed; we currently have 66 members in security and 12 in medical. We continue to grow each month with new volunteers, and now we average 16 security members per team. This growth is a clear sign of the dedication and commitment of each member of the security and medical teams, and it fills us with hope and optimism for the future.

With the help of Dr. Ray Summerlin, Executive Pastor, our Finance Committee members, and the Pine Terrace Baptist Church congregation, we established an extensive security camera system with over 80 cameras on campus and a video monitoring room that doubles as a security office. The camera system has proven invaluable for Pine Terrace in the months it has been active. We have also purchased a portable radio communication system to equip each member of our security and medical response while on duty.

The most significant impact isn't necessarily the number of volunteers but the level of dedication and commitment of each member of the security and medical teams. Every Safety Ministry team member has exceeded our expectations and helped make our first year successful. They have ministered to our visitors and church members by greeting them with friendly faces during Sunday and Wednesday services. Team members have become familiar with members of our congregation, our students, and even our children who attend Pine Terrace. People have repeatedly praised the efforts of our security and medical teams over the last several months.

2 Timothy 1:7-10 (NIV) tells us: “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid but gives us power, love, and self-discipline. So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord”.

As believers in Christ, we all have a testimony of what Jesus Christ has done for us. Our testimonies shouldn't be about who we are and what we have done but more about who Christ is and what he has done for us. No matter how big or small, the fact is, we all have a testimony.

I am blessed beyond measure to work with everyone involved in Pine Terrace's Safety Ministries. I look forward to what God has in store for Pine Terrace and what our Safety Ministry Teams will accomplish in 2025.

SWAT (Security with a Testimony)

Richard Moore

Safety Team 2
Would it shock anyone to discover that one of our security team members was a professional horse jockey?
Richard Moore, born June 12, 1955, in Pensacola, Florida, is a dedicated member of the Pine Terrace Baptist Church (PTBC) Security Team and, at one time, a race-winning professional jockey. Richard spent his childhood living in south Pensacola and the Ensley area. He grew up in a large family, the tenth of eleven children, and currently, only five of his siblings are still living. His mother was a stay-at-home mom, while his father served in the U.S. Army. Richard grew up around horses all his life, and his family owned as many as 22 horses. Being around these horses provided Richard with valuable experience in handling and riding them. From the age of 13 to 15 years old, he participated in bush racing, also known as match racing, where two owners would bet on their horse’s non-sanctioned races. Richard would earn between $5 and $10 per event as the jockey.  Due to his experience with horses, Richard was hired by Tee Don Farms in Holt, Florida, training and riding horses. In 1976, at 21, he became a professional jockey, qualifying him to ride in more significant races. Throughout his 10-year career, he primarily raced quarter horses. The largest purse he competed for was a $100,000 race, where he placed third. Richard won many horse races throughout his time as a jockey.
At the age of 23, Richard began working at a local gas company in Pensacola. He drove a gas truck for 40 years before retiring in 2016. During his driving career, he received numerous safety awards. Richard has been married to Sandy for 48 years. They have two children, Brian "LB" and Kristin.  Richard and Sandy attended Hickory Hammock Baptist Church in East
Milton for 17 years before moving to Pine Terrace Baptist Church in November 2020, where they have been faithful attendees. Richard describes how the messages from the pulpit touched his heart and how the Holy Spirit challenged him regarding his salvation. In July 2023, he walked to the front of the church and formally accepted Jesus Christ as his
personal Savior. Pastor Nathan Brown baptized both him and Sandy in July 2023. Richard emphasizes his strong personal relationship with God through regular church attendance, daily scripture reading, and his involvement with the security team. His favorite Bible verse is John 3:16, which he has committed to memory. Richard is firmly committed to serving God and greets everyone he meets with a smile and an encouraging word. Pine Terrace Baptist Church and the Safety Ministry team are fortunate to have him as a fellow believer and servant.